Tasting- "Lambrusco”

Name of the wine: Lambrusco Italian Red Wine Notte Rossa 

Variety of the grape(s) in the wine: Lambrusco

Country of origin: Italy

Region of origin: Emilia-Romagna

Vintage year: 2020

Price: $5.99 at Kroger 

Shop/wine critic/winery review of the wine: I could not find a shop/wine critic/winery review, but on Vivino there were a lot of reviews from people who try different wines. Overall, the wine received a 3.9/5 rating, with many people saying that it tasted like strawberries or red fruit and blackberries or black fruit. Many people said that it tasted bold, soft, smooth, and sweet. Many people also mention how it is light and fruity. https://www.vivino.com/US-VA/en/banfi-lambrusco/w/4554307 

References of specific flavors, aromas, and grape varietal characteristics taken directly from the Wine Folly text, with page numbers referenced: On page 256 of the Wine Folly Book, it mentions how Lambrusco is a sparkling red wine, but it does not taste very sparkling to me. It tastes slightly fizzy but nowhere near as fizzy as champagne. It also mentions how it has tastes of cherry, blackberry, violet, and cream. I can see the cherry flavor a little, but it tastes more like a strawberry grape mixture to me. However, on page 122 of the Wine Folly book, it mentions that strawberry is one of the main flavors of the wine. It is also interesting because it says it should be served cold on page 122 and I have been tasting it warm. 

Your review: I did not know what to expect with this, as the only sweet red I have had before was sangria. However, this was pleasantly surprising. It was very light and refreshing and tasted like a slightly fizzy grape soda. It tasted like a mix between strawberries and grapes. It was not overly sweet, but had a hint of sweetness to it. I really enjoyed this wine and it was a refreshing drink.  

I did not drink this with food. However, it says it pairs well with pizza, pasta, and spicy food on the bottle so I wonder how it would taste with food. 


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