Tasting - "Aconga” Red Blend

Name: Aconga Red Blend

Variety of the grape(s) in the wine: Merlot and Bonarda

country of origin: Argentina 

region of origin: Uco Valley, Mendoza

Vintage year: 2022

Price: $3.99 from Kroger 

Shop/wine critic/winery review of the wine: A wine critic rated this wine 81/100 and said that it had a stalky smell, which I personally cannot smell. The wine critic also said that it tasted like citrus, cranberry and cherry pie. Additionally, the wine critic said it tastes transparent, which I agree with. https://www.wine-searcher.com/find/aconga+red+blend+argentina#t3

References of specific flavors, aromas, and grape varietal characteristics taken directly from the Wine Folly text, with page numbers referenced: On page 198 of the Wine Folly textbook, it mentions how wines from Uco Valley are more acidic tasting due to the high elevation. The book also mentions on page 200, that the Bonarda grape has a lighter taste, which I can see as the wine does not have a strong taste. On page 131, the Wine Folly book also mentions how Merlot has tastes of black cherry flavors and low sweetness, which I can see by the wine being bitter.

Your review: I like the wine, but it does taste watery and slightly bitter. The alcohol content is 12.5% which is surprising to me since the wine does not have a strong flavor. It is a very mild wine and slightly bitter. I can not taste much of the flavors that it is supposed to have and it kinda tastes like watered down grape juice to me. It also stains my teeth a noticeable purple/blue tint after a glass or two. 

I did not eat food with this.


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