Tasting- "Escher Haus Riesling”

Name of the wine: Escher Haus Riesling 

Variety of the grape(s) in the wine: Riesling 

Country of origin: German

Region of origin: Rheinhessen

Vintage year: 2021

Price: $9.99 from Kroger

Shop/wine critic/winery review of the wine: A wine enthusiast rated this wine as a 89/100. They mentioned how it is a great summer wine and has tastes of peaches with lavender. They said that the wine also has a citrus acidity to it that gives it a finish. Overall, the wine rated 3.5/5 from 6 reviews. The website also mentioned how this is one of the most popular wines from Rheinhessen. https://www.wine-searcher.com/find/eschner+haus+riesling+rheinessen+germany 

References of specific flavors, aromas, and grape varietal characteristics taken directly from the Wine Folly text, with page numbers referenced: On page 159, the Wine Folly book mentions how Reisling can range from dry to sweet and typically has high acidity with low body The book also mentions how Germany is the most important producer of Riesling in the World, which is where the wine I tried is from (pg 159). Additionally, the book mentions how it has tastes of lime, green apple, beeswax, petroleum, and jasmine (pg 159). 

Your review: This wine originally caught my attention because I like Riesling and I did a short study abroad in May to Germany so I was curious how this would compare to the wine I tried while in Germany. I really liked this wine though. I first smelled it and it smelled like a fruity white wine. The taste reminded me of apricots, pears, nectarines, and oranges. It was a light fruitiness that was just a hint to the overall taste. The wine was light and very drinkable and had minimal bitterness. It was a bitter-sweet or semi-sweet wine. I would buy it again and I really liked it.  

I did not drink this wine with food.


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