Tasting- "Short Street Chardonnay"


Name of the wine: Short Street Chardonnay

Variety of the grape(s) in the wine: Chardonnay

Country of origin: South Africa

Region of origin: Swartland 

Vintage year: 2019

Price: $5.95

Shop/wine critic/winery review of the wine: The critic rated this wine an 89/100 points. They said that it tastes of pink apple, orange rind, walnut shell, and yellow flower. She says that it has medium acidity and medium mouthfeel. https://www.kysela.com/wine/short-street-chardonnay.html 

References of specific flavors, aromas, and grape varietal characteristics taken directly from the Wine Folly text, with page numbers referenced: The book how chardonnay is a medium bodied wine with a slight sweetness on page 96. It also mentions how Chardonnay typically has flavors of Yellow Apple, Starfruit, Pineapple, Vanilla, and Butter on page 96. I thought that was interesting because I actually smelled the pineapple but thought I was wrong about the fruit because the wine critic did not mention the pineapple. On page 270, the book also mentions how Chardonnay from South Africa actually also typically has pineapple tastes too. 

Your review: I really liked this wine, which surprised me. I originally bought it because it was only $5.95 and I figured I might as well give Chardonnay another try because I am typically not a fan of Chardonnay. However, I really enjoyed this wine and it was a perfect balance of semi-sweet and was refreshing. It also had fruity flavors, which I could not distinguish which fruit it was, but it smelled like pineapple or mango to me. I thought that this wine would be an amazing summer drink as it was so light and refreshing. I would buy this again. 

I did not drink this with food.


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