Tasting - "Pinot Noir"

Name of the wine: Pinot Noir Barefoot 

Variety of the grape(s) in the wine: Pinot Noir

Country of origin: United States 

Region of origin: California 

Vintage year: 2022

Price: $1.50 for the small bottle 

Shop/wine critic/winery review of the wine: This wine was rated 3.7/5 overall on WinePros. They said that the wine has a blend of fruit and spice that is inexpensive, smooth, and rich. However, they did mention that the wine is slightly acidic. https://www.winepros.org/barefoot-pinot-noir/ 

References of specific flavors, aromas, and grape varietal characteristics taken directly from the Wine Folly text, with page numbers referenced: On page 150, the Wine Folly book mentions how Pinot Noir has flavors of Cherry, Raspberry, Clove, Mushroom, and Vanilla. Some of those flavors surprise me as I do not taste clove or mushroom. The Wine Folly book mentions on page 151 that the Pinot Noir wine that is grown in California is typically more sweet and has less acidity. The book also mentions on page 151 that specific flavors of the California Pinot Noir include raspberries, plums, gun smoke, vanilla, and allspice. 

Your review: Pinot Noir is one of my favorite types of wines, but I have never had the Barefoot Pinot Noir, so I was curious to how it would compare to the Pinot Noirs I have had before. I thought that this Pinot Noir was slightly bitter and slightly dry. It was not sweet, and I honestly could not taste a lot of flavors in it. It was not bad, but I have had better Pinot Noirs before. However, the small bottle was really cheap and I believe that the bigger bottle is reasonably priced as well, so for the price it is decent. Overall, I like the other brands of Pinot Noir I have had better than this one. 

I did not drink this wine with food. 


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